Australian Chilled M6/7 Petite Tender (per kg) 澳洲M6/7和牛小肩柳 (每公斤)

The price is calculated per kg of the product.標價以1公斤計算



Petite Tender 是牛的肩膀部的小肩柳,以肉質柔嫩😋和多汁👅聞名,口感極之鮮嫩👍🏻,入口細嫩鬆化😋,是性價比極高的部位🤗! 這款小肩柳較細條 (每條约重400克-500g克)、價錢合理、方便易煮, 非常適合小家庭日常享用! 烹調方法多樣化🍽️,可以做中式牛柳😍、蒜香牛柳粒、黑椒牛柳、也適用於切片炒菜心; 西式烹調嘅,適合做迷你板的威靈頓牛柳😍、切厚塊香煎🥩或原條烤焗等。👍🏻👍🏻 Petite Tender is the small shoulder fillet of the cow🐂. It is known for its tender meat and juiciness😍. Each piece of shoulder fillet is fairly small, weighs about 400g – 500g. This ingredient is reasonably priced, easy to cook, and is very suitable for daily enjoyment by small families! The cooking methods are diverse 🍽️, it’s absolutely yummy in making Chinese-style sweet and sour beef tenderloin😍, garlic beef cubes, sliced beef with vegetables; for western-style dishes, is a delight in making mini-Beef Wellington 😍, thick cut for pan-frying 🥩 or whole piece for grilling, etc. 👍🏻👍🏻
