<11/3 - 17/3 購物優惠 > USA Frozen Diced Beef 美國雪花一口牛



foodtalk <限時購物優惠11/3至17/3❤️❤️> 由即日起至3月17日😊,顧客可以優惠價💥$38/包⭐購買急凍美國雪花一口牛 (每包200克)😋❤️❤️ 。數量有限,售完即止。🤗 美國雪花一口牛的雪花均勻分佈,肉質肥美鮮嫩、極之軟滑❤️! 而且煮法非常方便,解凍後只需要香煎 ,加少許鹽及黑椒,便可以享用😍! 無論煮一道蒜香牛肉粒或是黑椒牛肉粒串燒,都非常美味可口!😋 ➡️依家就嚟選購啦! 如有任何查詢,歡迎與我們聯絡。 🚛凡購物滿HK$1,000或以上的顧客可享有免費送貨服務,範圍包括港島、九龍及新界地區 (珀麗灣、愉景灣及離島除外) 。 ⭐香港島門市: 地址: 香港西營盤第一街23號地下 電話: 2615 0338 ⭐新界門市: 地址: 葵涌葵豐街 Magnet Place 1, 地下10號舖 電話: 2615 0822 foodtalk <Exclusive Offer from 11th March to 17th March❤️❤️> From now till 17th March, you can enjoy the special offer at $38/pack😍 upon purchase Frozen USA Diced Beef (200g/pack)❤️❤️. Available while stocks last.🤗👍🏻👍🏻 The fat of USA Diced Beef is evenly distributed, the beef is tender and soft!❤️ Simply season with salt and pepper, you can pan-fry the diced beef 😍, cook up garlic beef cubes or black pepper beef skewers, they are all very delicious!😋 ➡️ Place your order. For enquiries, please contact us for details. 🚛 Spend HK$1,000 or more and you can enjoy a free delivery service to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon or New Territories areas (excluding Park Island, Discovery Bay and outlying islands). ⭐Hong Kong Island shop: Address: G/F, 23 First Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong Phone: 2615 0338 ⭐New Territories shop: Address: Shop 10, Magnet Place 1, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, New Territories Phone: 2615 0822
