USA Frozen Yellow Conch Meat (L) (680g) 美國野生響螺頭 (L) (680克)



煲湯必備的美國螺頭,美國產的螺頭大牌子, 加上是野生,螺頭質素非常高,夠黃夠甜,可算是急凍螺之冠!清甜,有鮮味, 富含蛋白質及礦物質,更能滋陰補腎,健肝益脾。解凍後用以煲湯絕對是一絕! Yellow Conch Meat is a must-have ingredient for making a pot of nutritious soup. Wild caught yellow conch meat is extremely sweet and plump!It is high in protein and mineral content. Suitable as soup ingredients or for hotpot after sliced.

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