Frozen Thai Chicken Fillet 急凍泰國雞柳 (1kg)



雞柳低油脂, 纖維細, 口感嫩滑, 肉質鮮嫩香濃,健康美味! 雞柳煮法簡易多元化, 適合香煎, 做雞柳漢堡、夾三文治、製作中式小菜炒香芒雞柳、西芹炒雞柳或是串燒等等! Chicken Fillet contains low fat content, extremely tender and smooth texture. It is a very healthy food choice. There are many ways to cook chicken fillets. It is suitable for stir frying, as an ingredient of burgers or sandwiches, it’s good for Chinese-style dishes or making skewers as well.

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