Frozen Japanese Hamachi Belly (Skin-on) (per 100g) 日本油甘魚有皮魚腩 (每100克)

The price is calculated per 100g of the product.標價以100克計算



油甘魚油分重,肉質嫩滑,入口非常甘香,係日本餐桌上受歡迎的魚類之一!油甘魚最滑的地方正正就是魚腩位。我們的油甘魚魚腩不但魚油非常甘香,而且肉質肥美滑嫰,啖啖肉做一道焗油甘魚魚腩就最適合不過了! Hamachi is one of the most popular fish in Japanese restaurants as people are attracted by its rich oil content and stunning taste! Our Frozen Japanese Hamachi Bellies have tender texture and amazing taste. It is a must-have ingredient in your kitchen.

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