<1月份精選優惠> Frozen Whole Wild-caught Alaskan Black Cod (per kg) 原條阿拉斯加野生銀鱈魚 (每公斤)


The price shown in black is the base price per kg, price in red is the discounted price per kg. The total price is calculated per kg of total weight of an Alaskan Whole Black Cod..



foodtalk <1月份精選優惠❤️❤️> 農曆新年食材精選🧧🧧 由即日起至1月24日,顧客可以優惠價$399/kg😍購買原條急凍銀鱈魚🐟🐟。 每條銀鱈魚約重2kg-3kg,已切魚扒,約12-13片 ❤️❤️。 數量有限,售完即止🤗。 銀鱈魚🐟是在北太平洋的冷水海域野生🌊的深海魚,採用可持續方式捕撈。 銀鱈魚油含量豐富, 賦予它獨特的味道和質感😍😍。 銀鱈魚也含有豐富的奧米加 3,蛋白質及其他身體所需的維生素和礦物質 ,例如維生素A, 鈣和鎂 😊。 無論是烤,煎或蒸,都同樣適合😋😋。 ➡️依家就嚟選購! 如有任何查詢,歡迎與我們聯絡。 🚛凡購物滿HK$1,000或以上的顧客可享有免費送貨服務,範圍包括港島、九龍及新界地區(珀麗灣、愉景灣及離島除外)。 ⭐香港島門市: 地址: 香港西營盤第一街23號地下 電話: 2615 0338 ⭐新界門市: 地址: 葵涌葵豐街 Magnet Place 1, 地下10號舖 電話: 2615 0822 foodtalk <January Special Offer❤️❤️> Finest Ingredient for Chinese New Year🧧🧧 From now till 24th January, you can enjoy the special offer at $399/kg😍 upon purchase an Alaskan Whole Black Cod❤️❤️. Each fish weighs around 2kg-3kg, sliced as fish steak, total 12-13 pieces. Available while stocks last👍🏻👍🏻. Black cod🐟🐟 is wildly nurtured in the deep clean icy waters of North Pacific Ocean 🌊 and is sustainably fished. The fish has rich oil content which gives its distinctive flavor and texture. 😋😍🤤. Black cod is rich in omega 3, is an excellent source of protein and contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, calcium and magnesium😊. It is an excellent choice for grilling, frying and steaming😋😋. ➡️ Place your order now. For enquiries, please contact us for details. 🚛 Spend HK$1,000 or more and you can enjoy a free delivery service to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon or New Territories areas (excluding Park Island, Discovery Bay and outlying islands). ⭐Hong Kong Island shop: Address: G/F, 23 First Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong Phone: 2615 0338 ⭐New Territories shop: Address: Shop 10, Magnet Place 1, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, New Territories Phone: 2615 0822

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