Frozen Smoked Gammon Ham Slices (300g) 急凍煙無骨豬脾火腿片 (300克)



我們在聖誕推出過的煙無骨豬脾火腿 (1kg) 🐖好受大家歡迎,好多客人問幾時再返貨;foodtalk現推出俾大家的煙無骨豬脾火腿片, 已預切成片裝 (300g),大家萬勿錯過喇!❤️❤️ 這款無骨豬脾火腿片, 煙熏後香濃美味😋,嫩滑可口💦;解凍後即食,非常方便! 配上 Ile de France 法國比爾芝士片 (150g) 🧀🧀 ,可做美味的三文治,或是製作沙律、餐前小食😊都非常合適! The Frozen Smoked Gammon Ham (1kg) we launched at Christmas was extremely popular. To meet customers’ demands, we are now providing you the Frozen Smoked Gammon Ham Slices (300g). Don't miss out!❤️❤️ This boneless smoked ham is the most succulent pork😍. Extremely tender and juicy! 🤤After thawing, serve it as an appetizer, or make delicious sandwiches with the gammon ham and Ile de France Brie Slices (150g) 🧀. Extremely convenient and tasty!

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